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Araştırma Alanları

  • Makroekonomi Türkiye Ekonomisi
  • Kalkınma ve Büyüme Ekonomisi
  • İklim Krizi ve Çevre
  • Uluslararası İktisat

İş Deneyimi

2020 / Devam Eden Prof. Dr.
Kadir Has Üniversitesi

1988 / 2020 Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisat Bölümü
Öğretim Üyesi, İİSBF Dekan 2015-2020

2015 / Devam Eden Üye
Birleşmiş Milletler Çevre Programı (UNEP) Uluslararası Kaynak Paneli

2014 / 2014 Bilimsel Programlar Üyesi
World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists

2014 / Devam Eden Üye
Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi

2012 / 2014 İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dekanı
Yaşar Üniversitesi

2006 / 2007 Fulbright Scholar and Barber Sheridan Visiting Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

2001 / 2018 Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi
International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs)

2000 / Devam Eden Yönetici Sekreter
Bağımsız Sosyal Bilimciler-İktisat Grubu, Ankara

1998 / Devam Eden Üye
Economic Research Forum for the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey, Cairo


  • Kat, B.; Şahin, ; Teimourzadeh, S.; Tör, O. B.; Voyvoda, E.; Yeldan, A. E. (2024), "A new energy-economy-environment modeling framework: Insights from decarbonization of the Turkish power Sector towards net-zero Emission targets", Energy, Vol.302, DOI: 10.1016/
  • Dogan, Berna; Tekgüç, Hasan; Yeldan, Alp Erinç (2023), "Toward a green income support policy: Investigating social and fiscal alternatives for Turkey", New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol.90, DOI: 10.1017/npt.2023.2
  • Ünüvar, Burcu; Yeldan, A. Erinç (2023), "Green central banking under high inflation—more of a need than an option: An analytical exposition for Turkey", Development Policy Review, DOI: 10.1111/dpr.12720
  • Acar, Sevil; Kat, Bora; Rogner, Mathis; Saygin, Deger; Taranto, Yael; Yeldan, A. Erinc (2023), "Transforming Türkiye's power system: An assessment of economic, social, and external impacts of an energy transition by 2030", Cleaner Energy Systems, Vol.4, DOI: 10.1016/j.cles.2023.100064
  • Yeldan, A. Erinç (2023), "Turkey: Challenges and strategies toward de-carbonization and sustainable development under the age of finance", Japanese Political Economy, DOI: 10.1080/2329194X.2023.2259948
  • Orhangazi, Özgür; Erinç Yeldan, A. (2023), "Turkey in Turbulence: Heterodoxy or a New Chapter in Neoliberal Peripheral Development?", Development and Change, DOI: 10.1111/dech.12792
  • Acar, Sevil; Aşıcı, Ahmet Atıl; Yeldan, A. Erinç (2022), "Potential effects of the EU’s carbon border adjustment mechanism on the Turkish economy", Environment, Development and Sustainability, Vol.24, No.6, 8162-8194 DOI: 10.1007/s10668-021-01779-1
  • Tekgüç, Hasan; Ünsal, Ezgi B.; Yeldan, Erinc (2022), "Poverty and income distribution incidence of the COVID-19 outbreak: investigating socially responsible policy alternatives for Turkey", Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea, DOI: 10.1080/14683857.2022.2087852
  • Orhangazi, Özgür; Yeldan, A. Erinç (2021), "The Re-making of the Turkish Crisis", Development and Change, Vol.52, No.3, 460-503 DOI: 10.1111/dech.12644
  • Acar, Sevil; Yeldan, Erinc (2019), "Handbook of Green Economics",
  • Acar, Sevil; Yeldan, A. Erinç (2019), "Introduction", Handbook of Green Economics, xiii-xvii DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-816635-2.02001-0
  • Yeldan, A. Erinç (2019), "Economic instruments of greening", Handbook of Green Economics,
  • Acar, Sevil; Yeldan, A. Erinç (2018), "Investigating patterns of carbon convergence in an uneven economy: The case of Turkey", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol.46, 96-106 DOI: 10.1016/j.strueco.2018.04.006
  • Acar, Sevil; Voyvoda, Ebru; Yeldan, Erinç (2018), "Macroeconomics of climate change in a dualistic economy: A regional general equilibrium analysis",
  • Yeldan, Erinç (2017), "The economics of climate change action in Turkey: A commentary", New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol.56, 139-145 DOI: 10.1017/npt.2017.19
  • Yeldan, A. Erinc (2017), "Turkey’s employment subsidy program under the great recession: a general equilibrium assessment", International Review of Applied Economics, Vol.31, No.2, 225-254 DOI: 10.1080/02692171.2016.1240154
  • Kolsuz, Gunes; Yeldan, A. Erinc (2017), "Economics of climate change and green employment: A general equilibrium investigation for Turkey", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol.70, 1240-1250 DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.12.025
  • Acar, Sevil; Yeldan, A. Erinc (2016), "Environmental impacts of coal subsidies in Turkey: A general equilibrium analysis", Energy Policy, Vol.90, 1-15 DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2015.12.003
  • Ozer, Mustafa; Erinç Yeldan, A. (2016), "The relationship between current account deficits and unemployment in Turkey", Handbook of Research on Comparative Economic Development Perspectives on Europe and the MENA Region,
  • Yeldan, Erinç; Voyvoda, Ebru; Taşçı, Kamil; Özsan, Mehmet Emin (2015), "Planning for Regional Development: A General Equilibrium Analysis for Turkey", Public Administration, Governance and Globalization, Springer Nature
  • Voyvoda, Ebru; Yeldan, Erinç (2015), "Public policy and growth in Canada: An applied endogenous growth model with human and knowledge capital accumulation", Economic Modelling, Vol.50, 298-309 DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2015.06.028
  • Voyvoda, Ebru; Yeldan, Erinç (2015), "An applied endogenous growth model with human and knowledge capital accumulation for the Turkish economy", Middle East Development Journal, Vol.7, No.2, 195-225 DOI: 10.1080/17938120.2015.1072698
  • Bouzaher, Aziz; Sahin, Sebnem; Yeldan, Erinç (2015), "HOW TO GO GREEN: a general equilibrium investigation of environmental policies for sustained growth with an application to Turkey’s economy", Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Vol.8, No.1, 49-76 DOI: 10.1007/s12076-014-0124-0
  • Yeldan, Erinç; Voyvoda, Ebru; Taşçý, Kamil; Emin Özsan, Mehmet (2015), "Planning for regional development: A general equilibrium analysis for Turkey", Economic Planning and Industrial Policy in the Globalizing Economy: Concepts, Experience and Prospects,
  • Akin Olçum, Gökçe; Yeldan, Erinç (2013), "Economic impact assessment of Turkey's post-Kyoto vision on emission trading", Energy Policy, Vol.60, 764-774 DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.05.018
  • Yeldan, Erinç (2013), "The Turkish experience with work-sharing policy during the global economic crisis, 2008-2010", Work Sharing During the Great Recession: New Developments and Beyond,
  • Yeldan, Erinç (2012), "Globalization as the hegemonic concept of neoliberal ideology", Globalization: Partnerships, Modernization and Future Perspectives,
  • Cömert, Hasan; Yeldan, A. Erinç; Olçum, Gökçe Akin (2010), "Interest rate smoothing and macroeconomic instability under post-capital account liberalization Turkey", Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Vol.31, No.3-4, 459-482 DOI: 10.1080/02255189.2010.3673730
  • Epstein, Gerald; Yeldan, A. Erinç (2009), "Beyond inflation targeting: Assessing the impacts and policy alternatives", Beyond Inflation Targeting: Assessing the Impacts and Policy Alternatives,
  • Epstein, Gerald A.; Yeldan, A. Erinç (2009), "Beyond inflation targeting: Assessing the impacts and policy alternatives",
  • Telli, Cagatay; Voyvoda, Ebru; Yeldan, Erinç A. (2009), "A general equilibrium assessment of twin-targeting in Turkey", Beyond Inflation Targeting: Assessing the Impacts and Policy Alternatives,
  • Epstein, Gerald; Yeldan, Erinc (2008), "Inflation targeting, employment creation and economic development: Assessing the impacts and policy alternatives", International Review of Applied Economics, Vol.22, No.2, 129-130 DOI: 10.1080/02692170801889676
  • Telli, Cagatay; Voyvoda, Ebru; Yeldan, Erinc (2008), "Macroeconomics of twin-targeting in Turkey: Analytics of a financial computable general equilibrium model", International Review of Applied Economics, Vol.22, No.2, 227-242 DOI: 10.1080/02692170701880767
  • Epstein, Gerald; Yeldan, Erinc (2008), "Inflation targeting, employment creation and economic development: Assessing the impacts and policy alternatives", International Review of Applied Economics, Vol.22, No.2, 131-144 DOI: 10.1080/02692170701880601
  • Telli, Çaǧatay; Voyvoda, Ebru; Yeldan, Erinç (2008), "Economics of environmental policy in Turkey: A general equilibrium investigation of the economic evaluation of sectoral emission reduction policies for climate change", Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol.30, No.2, 321-340 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpolmod.2007.03.001
  • Boratav, Korkut; Yeldan, A. Erinc; Köse, Ahmet H. (2007), "Turkey: Globalization, Distribution and Social Policy, 1980-1998", External Liberalization, Economic Performance and Social Policy,
  • Boratav, Korkut; Yeldan, Erinc (2007), "Turkey, 1980-2000: Financial Liberalization, Macroeconomic (In)Stability, and Patterns of Distribution", External Liberalization in Asia, Post-Socialist Europe, and Brazil,
  • Yeldan, Erinc (2006), "Neoliberal global remedies: From speculative-led growth to IMF-led crisis in Turkey", Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol.38, No.2, 193-213 DOI: 10.1177/0486613405285423
  • Gunay, Asli; Metin-Ozcan, Kivilcim; Yeldan, Erinc (2005), "Real wages, profit margins and inflation in Turkish manufacturing under post-liberalization", Applied Economics, Vol.37, No.16, 1899-1905 DOI: 10.1080/00036840500217903
  • Voyvoda, Ebru; Yeldan, Erinc (2005), "Managing Turkish debt: An OLG investigation of the IMF's fiscal programming model for Turkey", Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol.27, No.6, 743-765 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpolmod.2005.04.004
  • Cizre, Ümit; Yeldan, Erinç (2005), "The Turkish encounter with neo-liberalism: Economics and politics in the 2000/2001 crises", Review of International Political Economy, Vol.12, No.3, 387-408 DOI: 10.1080/09692290500170692
  • Erinç Yeldan, A.; Khakimzhanov, Sabit (2005), "The political economy of reform failure and macroeconomic mismanagement: Turkey, 1980-2002", The Political Economy of Reform Failure,
  • Gunter, Bernhard G.; Taylor, Lance; Yeldan, Erinç (2005), "Analysing macro-poverty linkages of external liberalisation: Gaps, achievements and alternatives", Development Policy Review, Vol.23, No.3, 285-298 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-7679.2005.00287.x
  • Özlale, Ü; Yeldan, E. (2004), "Measuring exchange rate misalignment in Turkey", Applied Economics, Vol.36, No.16, 1839-1849 DOI: 10.1080/0003684042000279735
  • Yeldan, A. Erinc (2004), "The Impact of Financial Liberalization and the Rise of Financial Rents on Income Inequality: The Case of Turkey", Inequality Growth and Poverty in an Era of Liberalization and Globalization,
  • Bayar, Ali H.; Ben-Ahmed, Ghazi; De Boer, Paul; Diao, Xinshen; Yeldan, A. Erinc (2003), "Agriculture and trade liberalization in the MENA region: Dynamic impacts of future scenarios", Trade Policy and Economic Integration in the Middle East and North Africa: Economic Boundaries in Flux,
  • Dogruel, Fatma; Dogruel, A. Suut; Yeldan, Erinc (2003), "Macroeconomics of Turkey's agricultural reforms: An intertemporal computable general equilibrium analysis", Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol.25, No.6-7, 617-637 DOI: 10.1016/S0161-8938(03)00056-5
  • Ertuğrul, Ahmet; Yeldan, Erinç (2003), "On the structural weaknesses of the post-1999 Turkish disinflation program", The Turkish Economy in Crisis,
  • Biçer, F. Gül; Yeldan, Erinç (2003), "Patterns of financial capital flows and accumulation in the post-1990 Turkish economy", Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Vol.24, No.2, 249-265 DOI: 10.1080/02255189.2003.9668915
  • Metin-Özcan, Kivilcim; Voyvoda, Ebru; Yeldan, Erinç (2002), "The impact of the liberalization program on the price-cost margin and investment of Turkey's manufacturing sector after 1980", Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol.38, No.5, 72-103
  • Diao, Xinshen; Li, Wenli; Yeldan, Erinc (2002), "On the differential impact of the Asian crisis on the world economy: A general equilibrium perspective", Pacific Economic Review, Vol.7, No.3, 519-543 DOI: 10.1111/1468-0106.00175
  • Voyvoda, E.; Yeldan, E. (2001), "Patterns of productivity growth and the wage cycle in Turkish manufacturing", International Review of Applied Economics, Vol.15, No.4, 375-396 DOI: 10.1080/02692170110081921
  • Metin-Ozcan, Kivilcim; Voyvoda, Ebru; Yeldan, A. Erinç (2001), "Dynamics of macroeconomic adjustment in a globalized developing economy: Growth accumulation and distribution, Turkey 1969-1999", Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Vol.22, No.1, 219-253 DOI: 10.1080/02255189.2001.9668808
  • Selcuk, F.; Yeldan, E. (2001), "On the macroeconomic impact of the August 1999 earthquake in Turkey: A first assessment", Applied Economics Letters, Vol.8, No.7, 483-488 DOI: 10.1080/13504850010007501
  • Adelman, Irma; Yeldan, Erinc (2000), "Is this the end of economic development?", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol.11, No.1-2, 95-109 DOI: 10.1016/S0954-349X(99)00019-3
  • Adelman, Irma; Yeldan, Erinc (2000), "The minimal conditions for a financial crisis: A multiregional intertemporal CGE model of the Asian crisis", World Development, Vol.28, No.6, 1087-1100 DOI: 10.1016/S0305-750X(00)00014-0
  • Cizre-Sakalhoǧlu, Ümit; Yeldan, Erinç (2000), "Politics, society and financial liberalization: Turkey in the 1990s", Development and Change, Vol.31, No.2, 481-508 DOI: 10.1111/1467-7660.00163
  • Diao, Xincshen; Roe, Terry; Yeldan, Erinc (1999), "Strategic policies and growth: An applied model of R and D-driven endogenous growth", Journal of Development Economics, Vol.60, No.2, 343-380 DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3878(99)00044-9
  • Diao, Xinshen; Roe, Terry L.; Yeldan, A. Erinç (1999), "How fiscal mismanagement may impede trade reform: Lessons from an intertemporal, multi-sector general equilibrium model for Turkey", Developing Economies, Vol.37, No.1, 59-88 DOI: 10.1111/j.1746-1049.1999.tb00865.x
  • Mercenier, Jean; Yeldan, Erinç (1999), "A Plea For Greater Attention on the Data in Policy Analysis", Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol.21, No.7, 851-873 DOI: 10.1016/s0161-8938(98)00024-6
  • Diao, Xinshen; Roe, Terry L.; Yeldan, A. Erinç (1998), "Fiscal debt management, accumulation and transitional dynamics in a CGE model for Turkey", Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Vol.19, No.2, 343-375 DOI: 10.1080/02255189.1998.9669754
  • Yeldan, A. E. (1998), "On structural sources of the 1994 Turkish crisis: a CGE modelling analysis", International Review of Applied Economics, Vol.12, No.3, 397-414 DOI: 10.1080/02692179800000015
  • Mercenier, Jean; Yeldan, Erinç (1997), "On Turkey's trade policy: Is a customs union with Europe enough?", European Economic Review, Vol.41, No.3-5, 871-880 DOI: 10.1016/S0014-2921(97)00044-5
  • Yeldan, A. Erinc (1997), "Financial liberalization and fiscal repression in Turkey: Policy analysis in a CGE model with financial markets", Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol.19, No.1, 79-117 DOI: 10.1016/S0161-8938(96)00048-8
  • Cakmak, Erol H.; Yeldan, A. Erinc; Zaim, Osman (1996), "The rural economy under structural adjustment and financial liberalization: Results of a macro-integrated agricultural-sector model for Turkey", Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Vol.17, No.3, 422-447
  • Boratav, Korkut; Türel, Oktar; Yeldan, Erinç (1996), "Dilemmas of structural adjustment and environmental policies under instability: Post-1980 Turkey", World Development, Vol.24, No.2, 373-393 DOI: 10.1016/0305-750X(95)00140-8
  • Yeldan, A. Erinç (1995), "Surplus Creation and Extraction Under Structural Adjustment: Turkey, 1980-1992", Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol.27, No.2, 38-72 DOI: 10.1177/048661349502700202
  • Yeldan, A. E. (1993), "Conflicting interests and structural inflation: Turkey, 1980-1990", Pakistan Development Review, Vol.32, No.3, 303-327 DOI: 10.30541/v32i3pp.303-327
  • Yeldan, A. Erinc; Roe, Terry L. (1991), "Political economy of rent-seeking under alternative trade regimes", Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Vol.127, No.3, 563-583 DOI: 10.1007/BF02707736
  • YELDAN, A. Erinç (1991), "GROWTH‐ORIENTED ADJUSTMENT TO EXTERNAL SHOCKS: AN APPLICATION TO TURKEY", The Developing Economies, Vol.29, No.1, 54-74 DOI: 10.1111/j.1746-1049.1991.tb00200.x
  • Adelman, Irma; Yeldan, Erinc; Sarris, Alexander; Roland-Holst, David W. (1989), "Optimal adjustment to trade shocks under alternative development strategies", Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol.11, No.4, 451-505 DOI: 10.1016/0161-8938(89)90001-X
  • Yeldan, A. Erinc (1989), "Structural adjustment and trade in Turkey: Investigating the alternatives "beyond export-led growth"", Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol.11, No.2, 273-296 DOI: 10.1016/0161-8938(89)90018-5


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