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Elektrik Mühendisliği


Elektrik Mühendisliği

Araştırma Alanları

  • Genel Görelilik Kuramı: Tam Çözümler
  • Diferansiyel Denklemler: İntegre Edilebilir Sistemler
  • Uygulamalı Matematik: Zaman Serilerinin Modelleme Ve Kestirimi
  • İyonosferik Veriye Uygulamalar

İş Deneyimi

2010 / Devam Eden Profesör
Kadir Has Üniversitesi

1997 / 2010 Profesör, Doçent
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi


  • Yukseltan, Ergun; Aktunc, Esra Agca; Bilge, Ayse H.; Yucekaya, Ahmet (2024), "An Overview of Electricity Consumption in Europe: Models for Prediction of the Electricity Usage for Heating and Cooling", International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Vol.14, No.2, 96-111 DOI: 10.32479/ijeep.15514
  • Samanlioglu, Funda; Tabassum, Nauman; Karaca, Tolga Kudret; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra (2024), "A Bicriteria Model to Determine Pareto Optimal Pulse Vaccination Strategies", Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, Vol.2024, DOI: 10.1155/2024/5531062
  • Gökdağ, Zehra Hafızoğlu; Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra (2023), "The Impact of Dynamic Shocks and Special Days on Time Series Data", International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, Vol.9, No.2, 183-190 DOI: 10.22399/ijcesen.1311166
  • Ogrenci, Arif Selcuk; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Pekcan, Onder; Incegul, Metehan (2023), "Epidemic Models for Chemical Gel Phase Transformation: Effect of Optical Measurements with Different Wavelengths", Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics, DOI: 10.1080/00222348.2023.2203556
  • Dobie, Ayse Peker; Bayrakal, Alper; Or, Mehmet Erman; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra (2023), "Dynamics of Feline Coronavirus and FIP: A Compartmental Modeling Approach", Veterinary Medicine International, Vol.2023, DOI: 10.1155/2023/2721907
  • Yukseltan, E.; Kok, A.; Yucekaya, A.; Bilge, A.; Aktunc, E. Agca; Hekimoglu, M. (2022), "The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and behavioral restrictions on electricity consumption and the daily demand curve in Turkey", Utilities Policy, Vol.76, DOI: 10.1016/j.jup.2022.101359
  • Ahmetolan, Semra; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Demirci, Ali; Dobie, Ayse Peker (2022), "A Susceptible–Infectious (SI) model with two infective stages and an endemic equilibrium", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol.194, 19-35 DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2021.11.003
  • Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Dereli, Tekin; Kocak, Sahin (2022), "A trip around octonions", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.2191, No.1, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2191/1/012006
  • Kök, Ali; Yükseltan, Ergün; Hekimoğlu, Mustafa; Aktunc, Esra Agca; Yücekaya, Ahmet; Bilge, Ayşe (2022), "Forecasting Hourly Electricity Demand Under COVID-19 Restrictions", International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Vol.12, No.1, 73-85 DOI: 10.32479/ijeep.11890
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Çelik, Derya; Koçak, Şahin; Rezaeinazhad, Arash M. (2021), "Gromov product structures, quadrangle structures and split metric decompositions for finite metric spaces", Discrete Mathematics, Vol.344, No.6, DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2021.112358
  • Yukseltan, Ergun; Yucekaya, Ahmet; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Agca Aktunc, Esra (2021), "Forecasting models for daily natural gas consumption considering periodic variations and demand segregation", Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Vol.74, DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2020.100937
  • Önay, Selim; Yücekaya, Ahmet; Bilge, Ayşe; Aktunç, Esra Ağca (2021), "A supply and demand analysis for the turkish electricity market: Supply adequacy and resource utilization", International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Vol.11, No.6, 315-327 DOI: 10.32479/ijeep.11412
  • Burak, Selmin; Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Ülker, Duygu (2021), "Assessment and simulation of water transfer for the megacity Istanbul", Physical Geography, DOI: 10.1080/02723646.2021.1904698
  • Burak, Selmin; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Ulker, Duygu (2021), "Computation Of Monthly Runoff Coefficients For Istanbul", Thermal Science, Vol.25, No.2 Part B, 1561-1571 DOI: 10.2298/TSCI191102147B
  • Peker-Dobie, Ayse; Demirci, Ali; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Ahmetolan, Semra (2020), "On the Time Shift Phenomena in Epidemic Models", Frontiers in Physics, Vol.8, DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2020.578455
  • Ahmetolan, Semra; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Demirci, Ali; Peker-Dobie, Ayse; Ergonul, Onder (2020), "What Can We Estimate From Fatality and Infectious Case Data Using the Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) Model? A Case Study of Covid-19 Pandemic", Frontiers in Medicine, Vol.7, DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2020.556366
  • Yukseltan, Ergun; Yucekaya, Ahmet; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra (2020), "Hourly electricity demand forecasting using Fourier analysis with feedback", Energy Strategy Reviews, Vol.31, DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2020.100524
  • Agca Aktunc, Esra; Yukseltan, Ergün; Yucekaya, Ahmet; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra (2020), "Managing natural gas demand for free consumers under uncertainty and limited storage capacity", Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Vol.79, DOI: 10.1016/j.jngse.2020.103322
  • Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Ozdemir, Yunus (2020), "The critical point of a sigmoidal curve", Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica, Vol.65, No.1, 77-91 DOI: 10.24193/subbmath.2020.1.07
  • Gayretli, G.; Yucekaya, A.; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra (2019), "An analysis of price spikes and deviations in the deregulated Turkish power market", Energy Strategy Reviews, Vol.26, DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2019.100376
  • Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Ogrenci, Arif Selcuk; Pekcan, Onder (2019), "Mathematical models for phase transitions in biogels", Modern Physics Letters B, Vol.33, No.9, DOI: 10.1142/S0217984919501112
  • Ogrenci, Arif Selcuk; Pekcan, Onder; Kara, Selim; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra (2018), "Mathematical Characterization of Thermo-reversible Phase Transitions of Agarose Gels", Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics, Vol.57, No.5, 364-376 DOI: 10.1080/00222348.2018.1463052
  • Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Samanlioglu, Funda (2018), "Determination of epidemic parameters from early phase fatality data: A case study of the 2009 A (H1N1) pandemic in Europe", International Journal of Biomathematics, Vol.11, No.2, DOI: 10.1142/S1793524518500213
  • Bilge, A. H.; Pekcan, O.; Kara, S.; Ogrenci, A. S. (2017), "Epidemic models for phase transitions: application to a physical gel", Phase Transitions, Vol.90, No.9, 905-913 DOI: 10.1080/01411594.2017.1286487
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Çelik, Derya; Koçak, Şahin (2017), "An equivalence class decomposition of finite metric spaces via Gromov products", Discrete Mathematics, Vol.340, No.8, 1928-1932 DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2017.03.023
  • Bilge, A. H.; Dereli, T.; Kocak, S. (2017), "Self-duality in higher dimensions", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.804, No.1, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/804/1/012005
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Mizrahi, Eti (2017), "On the classification of scalar evolution equations with non-constant separant", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol.50, No.3, DOI: 10.1088/1751-8121/50/3/035202
  • Yukseltan, Ergun; Yucekaya, Ahmet; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra (2017), "Forecasting electricity demand for Turkey: Modeling periodic variations and demand segregation", Applied Energy, Vol.193, 287-296 DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.02.054
  • Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Ozdemir, Yunus (2016), "Determining the critical point of a sigmoidal curve via its fourier transform", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.738, No.1, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/738/1/012062
  • Bilge, A. H.; Kirkil, G.; Burak, S.; Incegul, M. (2016), "Modeling of wind effects on stratified flows in open channels: A model for the Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus)", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.738, No.1, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/738/1/012069
  • Bilge, A. H. (2016), "On the uniqueness of the octonionic instanton solution on conformally flat 8-manifolds", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.670, No.1, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/670/1/012011
  • Samanlioglu, Funda; Bilge, Ayse Humeyra (2016), "An Overview of the 2009 A(H1N1) Pandemic in Europe: Efficiency of the Vaccination and Healthcare Strategies", Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Vol.2016, DOI: 10.1155/2016/5965836
  • Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Samanlioglu, Funda; Ergonul, Onder (2015), "On the uniqueness of epidemic models fitting a normalized curve of removed individuals", Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol.71, No.4, 767-794 DOI: 10.1007/s00285-014-0838-z
  • Bilge, A. H.; Pekcan, O. (2014), "A mathematical characterization of the gel point in sol-gel transition", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.574, No.1, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/574/1/012005
  • Bilge, Ayse Humeyra; Pekcan, Onder (2013), "A mathematical description of the critical point in phase transitions", International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol.24, No.10, DOI: 10.1142/S0129183113500654
  • Mizrahi, Eti; Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra (2013), "Level grading a new graded algebra structure on differential polynomials: Application to the classification of scalar evolution equations", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol.46, No.38, DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/46/38/385202
  • Bilge, A. H.; Pekcan, Ö; Gürol, M. V. (2012), "Application of epidemic models to phase transitions", Phase Transitions, Vol.85, No.11, 1009-1017 DOI: 10.1080/01411594.2012.672648
  • Özkum, Gülcan; Bilge, Ayşe H. (2012), "On the classification of fifth order quasi-linear non-constant separant scalar evolution equations of the KdV-Type", Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.81, No.5, DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.81.054001
  • Kumbasar, Yalin; Bilge, Aye Hümeyra (2012), "Canonical forms for families of anti-commuting diagonalizable linear operators", Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Vol.436, No.1, 79-85 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2011.06.034
  • Uǧuz, Selman; Bilge, Ayşe H. (2011), "(3+3+2) warped-like product manifolds with Spin(7) holonomy", Journal of Geometry and Physics, Vol.61, No.6, 1093-1103 DOI: 10.1016/j.geomphys.2011.02.009
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Dereli, Tekin; Koçak, Şahin (2011), "Maximal Linear Subspaces of Strong Self-Dual 2-forms and the Bonan 4-form", Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Vol.434, No.5, 1200-1214 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2010.11.002
  • Mizrahi, Eti; Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra (2009), "Toward the Classification of Scalar Nonpolynomial Evolution Equations: Polynomiality in Top Three Derivatives", Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol.123, No.3, 233-255 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9590.2009.00451.x
  • Bilge, A. H.; Daghan, D. (2008), "Warped product metrics with rank-1 ricci tensor", EAS Publications Series, Vol.30, 329-332 DOI: 10.1051/eas:0830055
  • Bilge, Ayşe H.; Uǧuz, Selman (2008), "A generalization of warped product manifolds with Spin(7) holonomy", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1023, 165-171 DOI: 10.1063/1.2958169
  • Bilge, Ayse H.; Daghan, Durmus (2008), "Exact static solutions for scalar fields coupled to gravity in (3+1) - Dimensions", 11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories - Proc. of the MG11 Meeting on General Relativity, 2225-2227 DOI: 10.1142/9789812834300_0369
  • Bilge, A. H.; Daghan, D. (2007), "Scalar fields coupled to gravity in (3+1) dimensions: Static spherically symmetric stiff matter solutions", Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.48, No.10, DOI: 10.1063/1.2794563
  • Daghan, D.; Bilge, A. H. (2006), "Scalar field coupled to gravity in spherically symmetric background in (2 + 1) dimensions", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.841, 637-638 DOI: 10.1063/1.2218256
  • Bilge, A. H.; Koçak, Ş; Uǧuz, S. (2006), "Canonical bases for real representations of Clifford algebras", Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Vol.419, No.2-3, 417-439 DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2006.01.034
  • Daghan, Durmus; Bilge, Ayse H. (2005), "An exact solution for static scalar fields coupled to gravity in (2+1)-dimensions", General Relativity and Gravitation, Vol.37, No.7, 1289-1296 DOI: 10.1007/s10714-005-0111-2
  • Bilge, A. H. (2005), "Towards the classification of scalar nonpolynomial evolution equations: Quasilinearity", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.49, No.11-12, 1837-1848 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2004.09.014
  • Tulunay, Ersin; Senalp, Erdem T.; Cander, Ljiljana R.; Tulunay, Yurdanur K.; Bilge, Ayse H.; Mizrahi, Eti; Kouris, Stamatis S.; Jakowski, Norbert (2004), "Development of algorithms and software for forecasting, nowcasting and variability of TEC", Annals of Geophysics, Vol.47, No.2-3 SUPPL., 1201-1214
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Dereli, Tekin; Koçak, Şahin (2003), "Seiberg-Witten type monopole equations on 8-manifolds with Spin(7) holonomy as minimizers of a quadratic action", Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol.7, No.4, 39-53 DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2003/04/003
  • Bilge, Ayşe H.; Mizrahi, Eti; Tulunay, Yurdanur (2002), "Variation of the feedback coefficient with R12 and the geographic latitude in 1-h ahead forecast of f0F2", Annals of Geophysics, Vol.45, No.1, 87-96
  • Mizrahi, Eti; Bilge, Ayşe H.; Tulunay, Yurdanur (2002), "Statistical properties of the deviations of f0F2 from monthly medians", Annals of Geophysics, Vol.45, No.1, 131-144
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Dereli, Tekin; Koçak, Şahin (2000), "Monopole Equations on R8: The Energy Integral", Turkish Journal of Physics, Vol.24, No.3, 253-261
  • Bilge, Ayşe H.; Tulunay, Yurdanur (2000), "A novel on-line method for single station prediction and forecasting of the ionospheric critical frequency f0F2 1 hour ahead", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol.27, No.9, 1383-1386 DOI: 10.1029/1999GL003697
  • Özdemir, F.; Bilge, A. H. (1999), "Self-duality in dimensions 2n>4: Equivalence of various definitions and the derivation of the octonionic instanton solution", Bulletin of the Technical University of Istanbul, Vol.51, No.4, 247-253 DOI: 10.1007/s007770050060
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Dereli, Tekin; Koçak, Şahin (1999), "Monopole equations on 8-manifolds with Spin(7) holonomy", Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol.203, No.1, 21-30 DOI: 10.1007/s002200050024
  • Bilge, A. H.; Hortaçsu, M.; Özdemir, N. (1998), "Can an Unruh detector feel a cosmic string?", General Relativity and Gravitation, Vol.30, No.6, 861-876 DOI: 10.1023/A:1026608124868
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Dereli, Tekin; Koçak, Şahin (1997), "Self-dual gauge fields in eight dimensions", Turkish Journal of Physics, Vol.21, No.3, 361-367
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Dereli, Tekin; Koçak, Şahin (1997), "Seiberg-Witten equations on R8", Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Vol.21, No.1, 87-92
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Tulunay, Yurdanur K. (1997), "Spectral analysis of geomagnetic data from Kandilli Observatory, Istanbul", Annali di Geofisica, Vol.40, No.6, 1591-1598
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Dereli, Tekin; Koçak, Şahin (1997), "The geometry of self-dual two-forms", Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.38, No.9, 4804-4814 DOI: 10.1063/1.532125
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra (1996), "Singular travelling wave solutions of the fifth-order KdV, Sawada-Kotera and Kaup equations", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol.29, No.16, 4967-4975 DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/29/16/018
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra (1996), "Solution and ellipticity properties of the self-duality equations of corrigan et al. in eight dimensions", International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol.35, No.12, 2507-2515 DOI: 10.1007/BF02085759
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Dereli, Tekin; Koçak, Şahin (1996), "Self-Dual Yang-Mills Fields in Eight Dimensions", Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol.36, No.3, 301-309 DOI: 10.1007/BF00943282
  • Bilge, A. H.; Hortaçsu, M.; Özdemir, N. (1996), "Particle creation if a cosmic string snaps", General Relativity and Gravitation, Vol.28, No.5, 511-525 DOI: 10.1007/BF02105062
  • Bilge, A. H. (1993), "On the equivalence of linearization and formal symmetries as integrability tests for evolution equations", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol.26, No.24, 7511-7519 DOI: 10.1088/0305-4470/26/24/024
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra (1992), "A REDUCE program for the integration of differential polynomials", Computer Physics Communications, Vol.71, No.3, 263-268 DOI: 10.1016/0010-4655(92)90013-O
  • Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra (1992), "Integrability of seventh-order KdV-like evolution equations using formal symmetries and perturbations of conserved densities", Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.33, No.9, 3025-3038 DOI: 10.1063/1.529522
  • Bilge, A. H. (1991), "Integration of the radial Newman-Penrose equations in terms of rho , sigma and xi k", Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol.8, No.4, 703-725 DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/8/4/015
  • Bilge, A. H. (1990), "An asymptotically flat vacuum solution", General Relativity and Gravitation, Vol.22, No.4, 365-377 DOI: 10.1007/BF00756145
  • Bilge, A. H. (1989), "Non-twisting vacuum metrics with D(σ/ρ)=0", Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol.6, No.6, 823-844 DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/6/6/007
  • Kupeli, A. H. (1988), "Generalised Kerr-Schild transformation from vacuum backgrounds to Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes", Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol.5, No.3, 401-408 DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/5/3/002
  • Kupeli, A. H. (1988), "Vacuum solutions admitting a geodesic null congruence with shear proportional to expansion", Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.29, No.2, 440-442 DOI: 10.1063/1.528034
  • Bilge, A. H.; Gürses, M. (1986), "Cartan ideal, prolongation, and Bäcklund transformations for Einstein's equations", Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.27, No.7, 1819-1833 DOI: 10.1063/1.527051


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