All graduate program applications are made online. In order for your applications to be considered for evaluation, you must meet the minimum application requirements, fill in the application form completely, and upload the necessary documents.

You can access the application form here.

The completed applications which meet the minimum application requirements are evaluated by the academicians who decide acceptance, rejection and scholarship rate if deemed suitable. Online interviews may be conducted if considered necessary by the academicians.

We will send a conditional acceptance letter with scholarship information for those who are accepted to Kadir Has University. To fulfill the condition 250 USD fee must be paid. The deposit payment will be reduced from tuition. If you accepted with %100 scholarship, 250 USD fee will be refunded after you complete your registration. It is the candidate’s responsibility to make the payment on time and have enough time to apply for a visa before registration dates.

Following the required deposit payment, a candidate will get an official admissions letter from Kadir Has University. This letter allows candidates to apply for a student visa in Turkish embassies and consulates located in their country.

Accepted candidates who have paid the deposit will receive an email (registration link) to complete their registration to become a student. Once you receive the registration link, you must fill in the form completely, and upload the necessary documents. And if applicable, you must pay the remaining semester fee to complete your registration. Once you have completed these steps, it is essential to personally visit Kadir Has University with the approved visa from the Republic of Turkey stamped in your passport. This visit is necessary to finalize your registration at Kadir Has University.