Gender Studies Ph.D. Program

Program Objectives
• Provide advanced education and research opportunities in the field of gender and women’s studies
• Introduce theoretical frameworks, discourses, methods, and critical practices focusing on gender equality
• Create a rich academic environment in which complex relationships between gender relations and social, cultural, political, economic, and spatial formations can be explored
• Train researchers who can teach gender studies in academia or work for non-governmental organizations operating in areas such as women’s and family policies, reproductive and sexual health, urban policy, migration, and human rights
The language of instruction in the program is English.

Academic Staff and Fields of Research

Prof. Dr. Mary Lou O’Neil
Gender, law, reproductive health, and rights
Prof. Dr. Meltem Ş. Ucal
Nonparametric and semiparametric regression modeling, theoretical econometrics, time series modeling, applied econometrics, women’s studies (labor and wage differences)
Assoc. Prof. Aslı Çarkoğlu
Family and couple relations, health psychology, smoking cessation, and tobacco control, family policies, family and trauma
Assoc. Prof. Zeynep Günsür Yüceil
Body, movement, theatre of movement, theatre, cultural studies
Assoc. Prof. Didem Kılıçkıran
Feminist geography; gender and space; house, home, and belonging; migration, diaspora ve identity studies;
material culture studies
Asst. Prof. Doğu Durgun
International relations, queer studies, masculinities and militarism, migration studies
Asst. Prof. Reyda Ergün
Philosophy of law, political philosophy, gender and law, literature and law, theories of rights and law
Assoc. Prof. İrem İnceoğlu
Feminism(s), social movements and civil society, communication and culture, gender representations, digital
culture and youth
Asst. Prof. Zeynep Kutluata
History of feminisms, Ottoman women in WWI, women warriors, gendered citizenship practices, militarism, and history of law
Asst. Prof. Esin Paça Cengiz
Cinema and memory, cinema and trauma studies, history of cinema, cinema and gender, experimental film
and video, Turkey’s cinema and world cinema
Asst. Prof. Nurseli Yeşim Sünbüloğlu
Critical masculinities studies, disability studies, war and militarism, sociology of the body, gendered-based
violence, sociology of health and illness, education and gender
Dr. Nora Tataryan
Aesthetics, genocide studies, feminist philosophy, female representation in contemporary art, and psychoanalysis.
Asst. Prof. Coşku Çelik
Gender and development, labour and social reproduction, neoliberal rural development, food insecurity and women’s work in the Global South

Selected Research Projects
• Dilek Cindoğlu, “Analyzing Normalized Episiotomies in Turkey in the framework of Grounded Theory with an Intersectional Approach”, TÜBİTAK
• Mary Lou O’Neil, “GenderEX: Gender for Excellence in Research”, HORIZON 2020
• Lerna Yanık & Dilek Cindoğlu, “Earthquakes and Women: Determining the Factors for a Social Vulnerability Sensitive Earthquake Disaster Planning for İstanbul- Diagnosis, Analysis, and Solutions”, TÜBİTAK
• Nurseli Yeşim Sünbüloğlu, “E-Gen Module (Equality Generation Module) for Young Men at High Schools”, Swedish Consulate General in Istanbul”, “Gender Backlash in Turkey: The Case of State-Sponsored KADEM”, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
• İrem İnceoğlu, “An Analysis of New Media and Cultural Practices of Youth in Turkey”, TÜBİTAK; “The Analysis of Turkish Youth’s Mate Selection Practices via Location Based Mobile Dating Applications”, “TV Series-A Comparative Perspective- from Geopolitics to Geocritics: Serbia and Turkey”, “Women on Screen and behind the Camera: A Contemporary Outlook (2017-2021) to Representation and Labor of Women in Film and TV Industries in Turkey”, TÜBİTAK (consultant)

Eligibility Criteria
• Applicants are expected to have a strong background and motivation in gender studies. Applicants with relevant activist or academic experience will be prioritized/preferred.
• Some of our students in the program hold research and instruction positions in different universities. Others are active in non-profit and arts and culture organizations.

Scholarships & Financial Support

Successful applicants can receive a full tuition fee waiver at the time of enrollment and are expected to undertake a variety of academic and administrative tasks in return. The successful applicants admitted to the Ph.D. program can work as scholarship holders in academic projects coordinated by faculty members and gain academic experience in national and international projects.

Program Requirements

The Women and Gender Studies PhD Program’s duration is four years. To fulfill the degree requirements, students are expected to complete a courseload of 60 ECTS, pass the written and oral qualifying exams successfully, present their thesis proposal, and complete their thesis writing and defense. To graduate, students are required to prepare and present their thesis proposal in line with the TÜBİTAK project format and publish at least one scientific article in a Q1 journal. All full-time students are expected to complete their degree and graduation requirements in four years.

• Gender and Law: Theories and Methodologies
• Gender and Performativity
• Gender of Space
• Gender and Migration
• Gender and Women in Modern Turkey
• Gender, Culture, and Representation
• Gender and Sexuality Theories
• Advanced Qualitative Research Methods

For further questions and inquiries, please contact the program coordinator: Dr. Lecturer Member İrem İnceoğlu (