Students who successfully complete the Compherensive Exam must defend their thesis proposal, which includes the purpose, method and study plan of the research to be conducted, in front of the thesis monitoring committee, within six months at the latest.

In our university, it is aimed to produce quality articles from doctoral theses and to have our doctoral students have the ability to write projects. For this reason, a two-phase system has been introduced in the doctoral thesis proposal process as of the 2020-21 academic year. In this process, the thesis proposals submitted in writing are evaluated in terms of original value, method, management and pervasive impact criteria. It is expected that the originality of the subject and the chosen method, if any, are the most appropriate method for the problem at hand, based on the literature.

Ph.D. Thesis Proposal Process

Students who pass the Compherensive Exam must have appointed a thesis monitoring committee in order to start the thesis proposal process. The Thesis Monitoring Committee should be formed within one month following the Compherensive Exam, with the recommendation of the program coordinator, the approval of the relevant department, and the decision of the School of Graduate Studies Administrative Board of Directors. The thesis monitoring committee consists of three academician. In addition to the thesis advisor, the committee includes one member each from within the relevant department and from outside the University.

Phase 1

The first phase of the thesis proposal process is carried out in coordination with the R&D Resources Directorate. At this phase, the thesis proposal form is quickly examined by an expert appointed by the directorate, and the areas to be improved, if any, are forwarded to the thesis proposal owner. The candidate who renews the thesis proposal sends the proposal back to the R&D Resources Directorate via e-mail. The Directorate organizes the first panel by examining the proposal in coordination with the student’s advisor. KHAS members of the Thesis Monitoring Commission and experts and faculty members appointed by the R&D Resources Directorate take part in this panel. At the end of this panel, opinions on the thesis proposal and correction suggestions, if any, are presented orally (and in writing if necessary) to the thesis proposal owner and his/her advisor. The main criteria in the evaluation; The originality of the thesis proposal can be listed as the suitability of the chosen method for solving the research problem (comparing with other available possible methods, clearly revealing its advantages and disadvantages), the widespread effect of the research, and whether the negative (risks) that may arise during the research have been foreseen and precautions have been taken. In other words, this phase can be considered as the phase of evaluating whether the doctoral thesis proposal has similar characteristics to a basic research project submitted to TÜBİTAK or EU funds, and making recommendations for the above criteria of the thesis proposal to be revealed more clearly (Successful thesis whose research project is original and detailed. It is an issue that is encouraged to present the proposals to the funding institutions).

The second phase begins for the students who are successful as a result of the examination made on the thesis proposal in terms of originality, method, widespread effect and feasibility. Students whose proposals are requested to be corrected by the panel are expected to revise their proposals in line with these requests, by working with their thesis advisors, R&D Coordinator experts. Revised proposals are sent from the e-mail address to and with the thesis advisor informed, and the second phase begins for these students.

The R&D Coordinatorship notifies the School of Graduate Studies in writing by marking one of the options (Successful / Correction Requested / Not Participated) of each student involved in the process.

Phase 2

The second phase oral presentation must be made before the deadline announced by the Institute in the academic calendar.

The thesis proposal of the students who are successful in the first phase is evaluated by the Thesis Monitoring Commission. However, all members of the first panel, as well as members of TİK (including the external member), attend the Thesis Proposal meeting held for students whose proposals are requested to be corrected in the first phase. In this meeting, it is primarily evaluated whether the corrections requested in the first phase have been made appropriately. If the evaluation is positive, the meeting continues with the participation of only Thesis Monitoring Commission members.

The Thesis Advisor must submit the Thesis Proposal Evaluation Form signed by Thesis Monitoring Commission members to the School of Graduate Studies within 3 days after the meeting.

Students whose thesis proposal is found successful by Thesis Monitoring Commission members complete the process. Students who are found unsuccessful must re-apply for their second and last rights within three months at the latest. Students who are successful in the first phase in their first application are only responsible for the second phase in their second application.

PhD Thesis Proposal Form