Computational, Applied Science and Engineering Ph.D.

Program Director: Dr. Faculty Member Deniz Eroğlu


Extension: 1446

Adress: Cibali Campus, D Building, Room No: 217

Using English as the medium of instruction, Computational, Applied Science and Engineering Ph.D. program offers an interdisciplinary research and education opportunity along with modern and innovative tools enriched with recent technological advances.

Why Computational, Applied Science and Engineering Ph.D. Program at KHAS?
An Interdisciplinary program covering a wide range of topics, such as Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Industrial Engineering and Physics. Students will be able to see their research turn into products effectively and gain unique skills and approaches.

Who Can Apply to this Program?
In addition to students from Engineering programs, students who have a BS degree from a Natural Sciences program such as Physics, Chemistry, or Biology can apply to this program.

Program Tracks: The Computational Applied Science and Engineering Master’s program offers the opportunity to specialize in one of the following subfields. In addition to compulsory Research Methods and Seminar courses in areas other than Brain and Mind, the program will include 3 Elective Area and 4 Free Elective courses. The recommended courses for each area and the faculty members working on these topics are provided below:

  • Brain and Mind
  • Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
  • Computational Physics and Applied Mathematics
  • Architectural Design Computing
  • Robotics


Brain and Mind

(Contact Information: Deniz Eroğlu)

Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Medicine and Kadir Has University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, in collaboration with expert researchers and industry participation, will offer a graduate education and research program named Brain & Mind within the scope of the Neuroscience Program. Students admitted to the program will be supported with a 100% scholarship throughout their studies, and additional living support funded by scientific projects will also be provided.

Brain and Mind; Program Objectives

The fundamental objective of this program is for students to specialize in computational neuroscience and acquire the necessary research skills to solve complex problems in this field. Specifically, it aims for an in-depth examination of the relationship between the brain and mind by learning the fundamental principles and computational methods of neuroscience. By bringing together knowledge and skills from various fields such as mathematics, statistics, programming, engineering, medicine, molecular biology, and genetics, the program aims to equip students with the ability to creatively solve real-world neuroscience problems. The program aims to foster students’ ability to conduct independent research and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills to address complex neuroscience issues. Additionally, it enables students to work in leading interdisciplinary research groups in their field and share research findings on international platforms. The program guides students in understanding and applying ethical principles in scientific research and technology use, teaching them the responsibility to produce solutions sensitive to societal needs. In line with these objectives, the program aims to ensure that its graduates become innovative and ethically conscious professionals capable of leading in the field of neuroscience on the international stage.


Brain and Mind; Specialization Areas

Academic Researcher: Graduates, if they continue their academic careers, can conduct independent research in computational neuroscience at universities and research institutions internationally and teach courses.

Industrial Researcher: Graduates can work as researchers in computational neuroscience to advance research in the field in private companies developing cutting-edge technologies such as neurotechnology.

Neuroinformatics Specialist: Graduates can specialize in neuroinformatics and work on developing software tools and databases to store, manage, and analyze neuroscience data.

Biomedical Specialist: Graduates can work as biomedical specialists developing new technologies and techniques to research and treat neurological disorders such as brain-computer interfaces or neuroimaging methods.

Clinical Neuropsychologist: Graduates with a strong background in computational neuroscience can pursue careers as clinical neuropsychologists. They can use computational methods to analyze and interpret brain imaging data for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

Suggested Courses:

  • Introduction to the Nervous System
  • Introduction to Neuroscience
  • Introduction to Neuroinformatics
  • Methods in Neuroscience
  • Collection and Analysis of Neuroscience Data
  • Neural Data Analysis
  • Neural Image Processing
  • Brain Modeling from Data
  • Human-Computer Interfaces and Neurocomputer Feedback
  • Neural Mathematics: Bridging Mathematics and Brain Science
  • Dynamical Systems for Neuroscientists
  • Computational Neuron Models
  • Network Science
  • Computational Dynamics: Applications to Neuroscience
  • Systems Neuroscience
  • Neurotechnology
  • Neuroscience and Music


Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

(Contact Information: Prof. Dr. Ebru Demet AKDOĞAN)

Suggested Courses:

  • BIO510 – Computer-Aided Drug Design Prof. Dr. Ebru Demet AKDOĞAN
  • BIO555 – Molecular Modeling and Graphics Prof. Dr. Ebru Demet AKDOĞAN
  • BIO622 – Special Topics in Medicinal Chemistry Prof. Dr. Kemal YELEKÇİ
  • BIO522 – Computational Structural Biology Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Şebnem EŞSİZ
  • BIO523 – Introduction to Programming and Algorithm Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Şebnem EŞSİZ

Computational Physics and Applied Mathematics (Contact Information: Deniz EroğluAyşe Hümeyra Bilge)

Suggested Courses:

  • CSE 502 Mathematical Methods in Computational Sciences
  • CSE 503 Advanced Linear Algebra
  • CSE 504 Classical Mechanics
  • CSE 506 Electromagnetic Theory
  • CSE 507 Dynamics of Complex Systems
  • CSE 510 Complex Networks and Their Applications
  • CSE512 Numerical Methods for Solving Large Scale Eigenvalue Problem
  • CSE 513 High Performance Computing for Science and Engineering
  • CSE 514 Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning
  • CSE 515 Introduction to Quantum Computation

Architectural Design Computing (Contact Information: Assistant Professor Sabri Gökmen)

Suggessted Courses

  • CSE *** – Architectural Design Computing
  • CSE *** – Digital Modeling and Fabrication
  • CSE *** – Architectural Design Scripting and Generative Systems
  • ARCH 506 – Architectural Morphology
  • ARCH *** – Research Methods in Architectural Design Computing

Robotics (Contact Information: Özkan KarabacakAssistant Professor Mine SARAÇ STROPPA)

Suggessted Courses

  • CSE 502 Mathematical Methods in Computational Sciences
  • CSE 504 Classical Mechanics
  • CSE 507 Dynamics of Complex Systems
  • CSE 513 High Performance Computing for Science and Engineering
  • CSE 514 Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning
  • CSE *** Virtual Reality, Augmented reality, Mixed reality

Free Electives

BIO 510         Bilgisayar Destekli İlaç Tasarımı/ Computer Aided Drug Design

BIO 511         Biyoinformatik/ Bioinformatics

BIO 530         Hesaplamalı Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genomiks/Computational Molecular Biology and Genomics

BIO 555         Moleküler Modelleme ve Grafik/Molecular Modelling and Graphics

CE 509          Algoritma Tasarımı ve Analizi/Design and Analysis of Algorithms

CE 511          Sinir Ağları ve Bulanık Sistemler/Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems

CE 513          Paralel ve Dağıtık Hesaplama/Parallel and Distributed Computing

CE 514          Veri Madenciliği/Data Mining

CE 516          Hesaplama Kuramı/            Theory of Computation

CE 608          Çizge Algoritmaları/Graph Algorithms

CSE 607        Faz Geçişleri ve Renormalizasyon Grupları/Phase Transitions and Renormalization Group

CSE 612        Uygulamalı Termodinamik/Applied Thermodynamics

CSE 613        Uygulamalı Akışkanlar Mekaniği/Applied Fluid Mechanics

CSE 614        Akışkanlar Dinamiği/Computational Fluid Dynamics

CSE 616        Akan Veri ve Karmaşık Olay İşleme/Stream and Complex Event Processing

CSE 617        Adi ve Kısmi Diferansiyel Denklemlerin Sayısal Çözümleri/Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

CSE 618        Uygulamalı Bilimler ve Mühendislikte Matematiksel Metotlar/Mathematical Methods in Applied Science and Engineering

CSE 619        Bilimsel Hesaplama/Scientific Computing

CSE 620        Olasılık ve Stokastik Süreçler ve Uygulamaları/Probability and Stochastic Processes and Applications

CSE 621        Mühendislikte İstatistik Yöntemler/Statistical Methods in Engineering

CSE 622        Mühendislikte Varyasyonel Yöntemler/Variational Methods in Engineering

CSE 617        Adi ve Kısmi Diferansiyel Denklemlerin Sayısal Çözümleri/Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

CSE 620        Olasılık ve Stokastik Süreçler ve Uygulamaları/Probability and Stochastic Processes and Applications

EE 501           Olasılık ve Raslantısal Süreçler/Probability and Stochastic Processes

EE 503           Bilişim Kuramı ve Kodlama/Information Theory and Coding

EE 507           İstatistiksel İşaret İşleme/Statistical Sigmal Processing

EE 530          Optimal Kontrol/Optimal Control

FE 511           Stokastik Diferansiyel Denklemler/Stochastic Differential Equations

FE 515           Risk Yönetiminde Simülasyon Teknikleri/Simulation Techniques in Risk Management

IE 503            Mühendislikte Optimizasyon ve Uygulamaları/Engineering Optimization and Applications

IT 560             Büyük Veri Analitiği/Big Data Analytics

IT 601             Yüksek Başarımlı Bilimsel Hesaplama/High Performance Scientific Computing

MAT 602       İleri Düzey Eniyileme ve Uygulamaları/Advanced Optimization and its Applications

MAT 603       Sayısal Lineer Cebir/Numerical Linear Algebra

CSE ***          Sanal Gerçeklik, Artırılmış Gerçeklik, Karma Gerçeklik/Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality

CE 506          Hesaplamalı Geometri/Computational Geometry

CE 509          Algoritma Tasarımı ve Analizi/Design and Analysis of Algorithms

CE 511          Sinir Ağları ve Bulanık Sistemler/Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems

CE 515          Veri Bilimi ve Analitiği/Data Science and Analytics

CE 516          Hesaplama Kuramı/            Theory of Computations

CE 609          Makine Öğrenmesi/ Machine Learning

MAT 603       Sayısal Lineer Cebir/Numerical Linear Algebra