Program Coordinator Prof. Dr. Füsun Alioğlu


  • Brief summary of the program

In today’s world, where cultural assets are accepted as the common heritage of the whole world, efforts in this field are activities that bring together national and international individuals, societies, civil or official organizations and have peaceful aims. The cultural assets in our country constitute an important accumulation in terms of world heritage. In particular, Istanbul, which has been a settlement point since ancient times and has been the capital of three great empires such as Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman, is a very comprehensive research area. Today, every conceptual or applied study carried out on the city adds a new one to the cultural assets in Istanbul and reveals important data in terms of world history. In the geography we are in and in this city (Istanbul), the focus will be on researching and preserving cultural assets.

  • Why should I apply for this program??

For most fields of science, it is possible to encounter the problem of cultural heritage in various forms and scales in professional life. For example, due to a large-scale project planned in historical centers, managers, architects, urban planners, archaeologists, art historians, various engineering professions, etc. may be faced with cultural heritage. In this and similar professional practice environments, it is a necessity to acquire formation on the protection of cultural assets. If you want to take responsibility in any area of cultural heritage or if you are responsible, you can consider studying in this program to strengthen yourself academically. Those who successfully complete this program earn a Master’s degree in the field of Cultural Heritage Conservation

  • Highlights of the program,

In the program, what, why and how to protect cultural heritage is discussed, architecture, engineering, chemistry, physics, biology, mineralogy, law, management, history, art history, archeology, ethnology, philosophy, etc., as well as knowledge at different interdisciplinary interfaces related to conservation and restoration issues are discussed. With participants from various disciplines and often involved in important institutional structures, the learning environment is enriched in which the relationship of conservation with various fields such as architectural design, urban design, engineering, management, education, tourism, museology, collecting, history, intangible cultural heritage, etc. is questioned.

  • Names of important courses and brief content information,

Research Methods and Historic sources: Capability of presentation and preparation of a scientific research paper on preservation of cultural heritage; preparing a bibliography, citation techniques, data evaluation and catalogs

Conservation Concepts: Advanced knowledge and comprehension on historical context of conservation of cultural heritage, basic concepts, theoretical approaches, national/international legal frameworks, social responsibility and ethic values of conservation and ability to engage in critical discussions

Legal Dimension of Protection and Applications: Advanced knowledge and comprehension on national and international legislation and legal framework on conservation and ability to engage in critical discussions.

Architectural Heritage of Istanbul: Advanced level of knowledge and understanding of urban development of İstanbul and its architectural heritage and capability of conducting critical discussions with the acquired knowledge.

Ottoman Architecture: Advance knowledge and comprehension of the construction activity in the Ottoman period in the historic, geographic, political, cultural contexts.

Anatolian Housing Culture: Advanced knowledge and comprehension of traditional housing tissue in different  geographies of Anatolia and design principles of traditional house.


  • Niğde Sungur Bey Camisi, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2023.
  • Pierre Han Restorasyonu, İBB, “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2021.
  • Terra Sante Manastırı/Beyoğlu, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına, “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2018-2022.
  • Valens Kemeri Restorasyonu, İSKİ, “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2021.
  • Anadolu Hisarı Restorasyonu, İBB, “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2021.
  • Bukoleon Sarayı Restorasyonu, İBB, “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2020.
  • Yerebatan Sarnici (Sarayi) Restorasyon Ve Çevre Düzenleme İnşaati İşi, İBB, “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2020.
  • Uzun Kemer Restorasyonu, İSKİ, “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2020.
  • Eğri kemer Restorasyonu, İSKİ, “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2020.
  • Teşvikiye Camisi, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına  “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2018.
  • Molla Gürani Camisi, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına  “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2018.
  • Eşref Kethüda Camisi, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına  “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2017.
  • Eyüp İmareti/Mihrişah Valide Sultam İmareti, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına  “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2017.
  • Kütahya, Meydan Camisi, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına  “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2015.
  • Kütahya, Ali Baba Camisi, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına  “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2015.
  • Cihangir Camisi, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına  “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2014.
  • Fatih Külliyesi, Karadeniz Medreseleri, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına  “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2014.
  • Bursa (Hanlar Bölgesi&Sultan Külliyeleri) ve Cumalıkızık Yönetim Planı’nı/Bursa and Cumalıkızık: the Birth of the Ottoman Empire, Dünya Miras Alanı Çalışmaları, Bursa Alan Başkanliği Eşgüdüm Ve Denetleme Kurulu Üyeliği (2013-2018)
  • Fatih Külliyesi, Akdeniz Medreseleri, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına  “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, İstanbul, 2010.
  • Nur-u Osmaniye Külliyesi Restorasyonunda, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına  “Bilim Heyeti Üyeliği”, , İstanbul, 2010.
  • Haseki Hürrem Sultan Külliyesi Restorasyonunda, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü adına  danışmanlık, İstanbul, 2010.

ÜMİT YILMAZ (Graduation Year: 2022)

Restorer, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism; Paper Restorer of the Manuscripts Institution.

Anka Istanbul Restoration, November 2019 – July 2020, November 2019 – July 2020; Conservation of wall mosaics from the Byzantine period in Hagia Sophia Mosque, Kariye Mosque, Fethiye Mosque and Molla Gürani Mosque,

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) · Tam zamanlıDeutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) · July 2019 – October 2019; Conservation Project of Roman Wall Paintings.

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI)  Temmuz 2018 – Ağustos 2018, Temmuz 2018 – Ağustos 2018; Pergamon Antik Kenti Kazısı Pergamon Antik Kenti Kazısı Roma Dönemi Duvar Resimlerinin Konservasyon Projesi.

DAMLA PİLEVNE (Graduation Year: 2022)

Research Scholar in the TUBITAK-funded research project, namely “In the Context of Urban-Rural Continuity, Web-GIS Based Integrated Site Management Model for Historic Cities: The Case of Iznik”, 2021-2022.

ÇEKÜL Foundation / Foundation for the Protection and Promotion of Environmental and Cultural Values 2019.

EBRU ERDOĞDU KARA (Graduation Year: 2021)

Bursa Directorate of Survey and Monuments, 2001-Ongoing.

Bursa Regional Board for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, 2001-Present.

HİLAL KAPLAN YANAN (Graduation Year: 2021)

Presidential National Palaces Painting Restoration and Conservation Laboratory 2020 – Ongoing

TBMM National Palaces Painting Restoration and Conservation Laboratory 2016 – 2019

TBMM National Palaces Textile Restoration and Conservation Laboratory 2011-2016,

AYŞEN KAYA KHAS (Graduation Year: 2020)

Ph.D. Program in the Protection of Cultural Heritage

  • Istanbul Metropolıtan Munıcıpalıty (Cultural Heritage Projects Assistant Director-Control Supervisor) 2017– Continues,

Completed and ongoing work under my direction as Assistant Manager;

  • Milion Stone and Its Surroundings Archaeological Excavation, Landscaping and Basilica Cistern Lighting Elements and Gülhane Cistern Functioning, Museum Exhibition Arrangement Work, 2021-2022.
  • Bukoleon Palace Museum Restoration Practice Work, 2020-2021.
  • Maintenance, Repair and Restoration of Historical Buildings in Istanbul 1. Section Construction: Restoration of IETT Trolleybus Force Center Building in Süleymaniye 577 Ada 8 Parcel
  • Land Walls 2. Stage Restoration Work (T23-T35)
  • Ayazağa Cendere Pumping Station Re-Function Project Supply Work, 2022-2023.
  • Istanbul Province, Beykoz District, Historical Anatolian Fortress (Hisar Structure, Bastions and Outer Walls)
  • Istanbul Province, Fatih District, Between Mermerkule-Belgradkapı T15-T16-T17-T18- T19 Bastions and Fortification Walls Emergency Security Measures and Restoration Implementation Work, 2020-2021.
  • Anemas Dungeons Museum Exhibition Arrangement Work (Ongoing) • Bukoleon Palace Restoration Completion, Top Cover Covering, Museum Buildings Exhibition Arrangement Application and Landscaping Work.

Istanbul Specıal Provıncıal Admınıstratıon (Control Eng.-Control Supervisor) 2010-2017 Some of the works completed under my management as Control Engineer/Supervisor;

  • Istanbul University Mirgün Mansion Restoration Work
  • Süleymaniye Hospital Building Exhibition-Arrangement Work
  • Yusufpaşa Sıbyan School Restoration Work
  • Sultanahmet Courthouse Repair Work
  • Hasodabaşı Hasanağa Madrasa Restoration Work
  • Boğazköy Mosque (Hagia Triada Church) Restoration Work
  • Ziraat Bank Cağalaoğlu Building Restoration Work
  • Gevherean Sultan Madrasa Restoration Work

SATBERK BANU ÇAKALOZ (Graduation Year: 2018)

T.C. Presidential Painting Conservation and Restoration Laboratory, 2013-Present

Dolmabahçe Palace Painting Conservation and Repair Laboratory, 2012-2013

Hong Kong Heritage Museum, 2007-2008.